1993.07-今 信阳师范学院437ccm·必赢国际 工作
2007.09-2011.06 华中科技大学 电子科学与技术系 博士研究生
2003.09-2006.06 华中科技大学 电子科学与技术系 硕士研究生
2.河南省科技攻关计划,132102210049,基于超材料的高增益微带天线设计与实现, 2013/08-2016/08,10万,已结题,主持
1. Hao Luo1, Yong Zhi Cheng. Thermally tunable terahertz metasurface absorber based on all dielectric indium antimonide resonator structure . Optical Materials.2020,3:
2. Hao Luo1, Yong Zhi Cheng. Dual-band terahertz perfect metasurface absorber based on bi-layered all-dielectric resonator structure. Optical Materials.2019,10:
3. Hao Luo1, Yong Zhi Cheng. Ultra-thin dual-band polarization-insensitive and wide-angle perfect metamaterial absorber based on a single circular sector resonator structure. Journal of Electronic Materials . 2017, (6965) :1-6.
4. Hao Luo, Yong Zhi Cheng. Design of an ultrabroadband visible metamaterial absorber based on three dimension metallic nanostructures. Modern Physics Letters B. 2017,31(25):1750231 (11 pages).
5.Luo Hao, Xuehui Hu, Yang Qiu, Peng Zhou. Design of a wide-band nearly perfect absorber based on multi- resonance with square patch. Solid State Communications.(2014,188(6)) (SCI:AHIWP)
6.Luo Hao, Cheng Yongzhi, Gong Rongzhou. Numerical study of metamaterial absorber and extending absorbance bandwidth based on multi-square patches. Eur. Phys.J. B 81(4):2011: 387-392 (SCI:789KF)
7.Luo Hao, Wang Tao, Gong Rong-Zhou, Nie Yan, Wang Xian.Extending the Bandwidth of Electric Ring Resonator Metamaterial Absorber.Chin. Phys. Lett. 28(3), 2011:034204(SCI:731PF)