2014-09至2019-06 华中科技大学 材料物理与化学 工学博士
2010-09至2014-07 阜阳师范大学 物理学 理学学士
2019-07至今 信阳师范学院 437ccm·必赢国际
1. Canglong Li*, Chunlei Wang, Qiankun Lei, Godfrey Okumu Barasa, Qingshan Fu and Yang Qiu *, "Effect of Fe substitution on structure and exchange interactions within and between the sublattices of frustrated CoCr2O4", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., (2021) DOI: 10.1039/d0cp04783j.
2. Canglong Li*, Yang Qiu, Godfrey Okumu Barasa, Songliu Yuan, "Spin reorientation, normal and inverse magnetocaloric effects in heavy rare-earth iron garnets", Ceram. Int. (2020) 46, 18758-18762.
3. Canglong Li*, Godfrey Okumu Barasa, Yang Qiu, Songliu Yuan, "Magnetocaloric effect and sign reversal of magnetic entropy change across the spin reorientation temperature in R3Fe5O12 (R = Gd, Dy)", J. Alloy. Comp. (2020) 820, 153138.
4. Canglong Li, Godfrey Okumu Barasa, Gebru Zerihun, Xinghan Chen, Songliu Yuan*, "Structure and magnetic switching effect in iron-doped europium chromite ceramics", J. Alloy. Comp. (2019) 787, 463-468.
5. Canglong Li, Tenyun Yan, Gebru Zerihun, Qingshan Fu, Run Zhang, Xinghan Chen, Shuai Huang, Songliu Yuan*, "Magnetization reversal induced by Mn-substitution in spinel NiCr2O4", J. Am. Ceram. Soc. (2018) 101, 5571-5577.
6. Canglong Li, Tenyun Yan, Chiranjib Chakrabarti, Run Zhang, Xinghan Chen, Qingshan Fu, Songliu Yuan*, Godfrey Okumu Barasa, "Negative magnetization and the sign reversal of exchange bias field in Co(Cr1-xMnx)2O4 (0£x£0.6)", J. Appl. Phys. (2018) 123, 093902.
7. C. L. Li, T. Y. Yan, G. O. Barasa, Y. H. Li, R. Zhang, Q. S. Fu, X. H. Chen, S. L. Yuan*, "Negative magnetization and exchange bias effect in Fe-doped CoCr2O4", Ceram. Int. (2018) 44 15446-15452.
8. C. L. Li, L. G. Wang, X. X. Li, C. M. Zhu, R. Zhang, H. W. Wang, S. L. Yuan*, "Magnetic field-induced metamagnetism and magnetocaloric effect in double perovskites Re2CoMnO6 (Re=Sm, Dy)", Mater. Chem. Phys. (2017) 202 76-81.
9. C. L. Li, S. Huang, X. X. Li, C. M. Zhu, G. Zerihun, C. Y. Yin, C. L. Lu*, S. L. Yuan*, "Negative magnetization induced by Mn doping in YCrO3", J. Magn. Magn. Mater. (2017) 432 77-81.
E-mail: licanglong@xynu.edu.cn